Upgrade Command

Helix QAC projects can be upgraded through the qacli project upgrade command, described in the Helix QAC Component Manual:

qacli project upgrade --qaf-project <directory>

This will ensure that your project uses the latest components, and that configuration files are compatible with these components. Additionally, any Python 2 CIP generation files will be upgraded to Python 3.

If, instead, you wish to use Helix QAC 2024.4 with older versions of components for some projects, do not use the –upgrade command for these projects. You will need to tell Helix QAC where to find the old components using the following command:

qacli config component-path --add <directory>

This will cause the older component to appear in the Analysis Toolchain under the Analysis tab of the Project Properties dialog. Use the ’>’ button to add the older component into the active toolchain.

You should not mix old and new versions of components.